Howook Sean Chang DBA
Office: HM 322
Phone: 305-919-4535
Email: hchang@fiu.edu
Expertise: Customer Experience Management, Green Operations, Optimal Pricing, Product & Service Development, Service Innovation
Dr. Chang was born and raised in Seoul, Korea and came to US in 1992 to study Hotel Management. He chose the field to learn how to develop and operate a party hotel that has a bar, a night club, and a fine dining under one roof. His professional experience ranges from Front Desk Receptionist and Sushi Chef in hotels to Finance and Casino Analyst in casinos. He has more than 10 years of teaching experience. He has published 4 peer-reviewed journal articles in top-tier journals including Cornell Hospitality Quarterly and presented 20+ peer-reviewed conference papers. He has an expertise in designing new ways to add value to hospitality products and services.