Sandro Formica, Ph.D.
Sandro Formica is an Visiting Professor at Florida International University, where he teaches Leadership, Personal Empowerment, and Managing Self and Others. Through his teachings, Sandro has helped thousands of current and future business leaders become more successful. His Leadership work focuses on cultivating inner strengths, practicing modeling, strengthening self-esteem, and creating a goal-based leadership plan. His Personal Empowerment and Managing Self & Others work instead, focuses on core values, human needs, emotions, and how to reprogram the subconscious mind to reach goals easily and effectively. His highly experiential, non-traditional teaching strategies have proven to be very effective in a short period of time. Sandro is also a life coach and works with clients in Asia, Europe, and the United States.
Sandro has provided consulting and executive education services to global and regional corporations, coordinated transnational European Union projects and conducted “Think Tanks” with leading business thinkers in the Middle East, New Zealand, France, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, and the U.S. He has published over fifty articles in peer reviewed international academic journals, conference proceedings, and trade journals. His research articles have appeared in many international journals, including Journal of Travel Research, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Tourism Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Tourism Analysis, International Journal Of Contemporary Hospitality Management, and the Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing.