- Student Resources
- Access FIU Accounts
FIU currently employs a system allowing the same username and password to be used for multiple purposes. This system is called MyAccounts and is used to manage student account information as well as reset forgotten passwords. The Panther ID is the default username. The default password is your date of birth, in the format of DDMONYYY (i.e., 22May1980).
MyAccounts controls the username and password for:
- Canvas
- PantherMail
MyAccounts does not control access to FIU’s Library. For username or password issues on either of these systems, please contact technical support call 305.348.2284.
Canvas is a Learning Management System. All distance learning courses are administered through Canvas.
Once you successfully log in, you can change your password by clicking on Personal Information.
You will also be able to view your current Course List (the courses you are currently enrolled in). You can access your courses one week before each semester begins to familiarize yourself with the Canvas environment and the syllabi for your courses. In doing so, students are better prepared to begin the course from day one of each semester.
MyFIU is FIU’s financial and scheduling computer system. In MyFIU, students can register for courses, access personal information, financial information, transcripts, and course schedules.
Within MyFIU, students can also pay any outstanding fees. Each semester, students will be automatically enrolled in courses based on cohort and will be able to view the course schedule in MyFIU.
All fully admitted students at FIU have access to their own personal FIU email account. Your Fiu email is powered by Outlook through Microsoft 365. Microsoft 365 provides FIU students with many useful Microsoft applications (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneDrive etc).
To log in to your PantherMail, go to mail.fiu.edu and type in your FIU email and password, which is the same as your MyFIU username & password (i.e. roary001@fiu.edu).
While you can check your mail directly at mail.fiu.edu you can also set up your email on your smart devices with the following guides:- On Windows and Mac (link to https://fiu.service-now.com/
sp?id=kb_article&sys_id= )6721ebd1db2ba4502e151fba139619 21#a1 - Through the Outlook app on Android or iOS
- FIU Library
The FIU Library has an online section specifically for distance learning students. A 14-digit code will be e-mailed to you at the beginning of your cohort. This number is used to gain access to library resources while off campus. The Distance Learning Librarian is Sarah Hammill and she can be reached at 305.348.2284.
MyFIU is a student resource website. From MyFIU students can access many useful links, including:
FIU Bookstore
Academic Calendar
Free Software for Students
Registrar’s Office - Technical Support and Telephone NumbersCanvas https://canvas.fiu.edu/support/
Video Support 305.919.4554
Cohort Support 305.919.4521
Advising 305.919.4521
FIU Library 305.919.5604
Panthersoft and PantherMail 305.348.2284 - Cohort Schedule
Currently the Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism Management offers two distance learning programs:
- Executive Master of Science in Hospitality Management
- Master of Science in Hospitality Management
Each cohort has a set schedule designed to maximize the learning environment and synergy between courses. Each course is administered over an eight-week period and every semester, students take four courses. Courses are not offered in every term. Student who wish to take a semester off will fall outside of the set schedule, thereby potentially prolonging their program. A student may take one semester off without penalty. If a student is not enrolled in additional semesters, the student should notify the University Graduate School of their intended restart date and request a leave of absence.
- AdvisingWhile graduate students are very independent, we do have a dedicated graduate advisor at your disposal to help you understand your requirements and help you make connections to appropriate resources. Advising is not just about classes, we’re here to help you at all times during your time in the program!
Getting Advised
Meeting with your advisor on your requirements should happen each semester. You can set up advising appointments directly at http://go.fiu.edu/ONLhmmsadvising .
The university graduate school expects all students to understand all graduate school policies. There are many that apply and many that do not apply. Your academic advisor is your point of contact to make sure that you are always following policy. If you are not sure about what can be done for a specific situation it is important to connect with advising to make sure you are meeting all University Graduate School Policies. More than 50% of all issues of policy not being followed resulted from a student not coming to advising to see the best options for their situation. We would rather confirm you understood the policy as set forth, then try to interpret policy on your own.
Students in the online program will enroll by permission codes. Your advisor will generally reach out prior to enrollment dates to let you know what classes are available, and to set up an advising appointment if need. Since each term may have some new additions and updates we encourage all students to set up time with their advisor to discuss their remaining requirements.
Once your enrollment date has opened you can register for your classes. Students are encouraged to self-enroll in classes based on what was discussed with their advisor. Advisors will only enroll students in cases of overrides, or Internship course.
You can visit go.fiu.edu/howtoenroll to view videos on how to use the online enrollment system.
Schedule of Classes
Online classes are coded by the location "Internet Fully-online". Courses are dynamic mini-term A and B session that are 8 weeks long. Session A is the first 8 weeks of the term, and Session B is the second 8 weeks of the term. In Fall and Spring terms there is no overlap and Session B begins as Session A concludes. In Summer the Summer A and B Sessions overlap by 3-4 weeks so it is advised to take no more than 2-3 courses in the summer term.
Transfer Coursework
If you have completed Master’s level coursework at a prior institution or program you may be eligible to transfer coursework in to the program. Please speak with a hospitality advisor to discuss. Classes must have earned a B or better, must be from an accredited institution, and must have been completed within the graduate time frame policy, if part of an incomplete graduate program previously (no timeframe rule for courses part of a completed degree). For more information on the graduate transfer policy please visit https://go.fiu.edu/gradpolicies and speak to your advisor - TextbooksMost courses have textbook requirements. Students should purchase all reading material prior to the beginning of class to ensure they are received before classes begin. If you have a question about textbook purchases, please contact the professor directly.
- Financial AssistanceTo learn more about financial aid opportunities for graduate students, visit the Finance Your Education page on the University Graduate School website.
- ImmunizationSince this is a fully online program, students will not be required to attend classes on campus; however, the University requires documentation of immunization. In most instances, a waiver will be submitted on the student’s behalf to have the immunization requirement waived.
- Work Experience and Internship
All students in the MS Hospitality Management program, with tracks in non-thesis, real estate, mega events, cruise Iine operations, and revenue management, are required to obtain hospitality industry related work experience and complete an internship course while enrolled in the program. Students must complete a minimum of 500 hours of work experience in the hospitality or tourism industry. In addition, the student is required to complete HMG 6946 Graduate Internship course for an additional minimum of 300 hours. Work completed in the internship course can be a part of a hospitality job.
For more information on verifying hours or connecting with career services please visit https://hospitality.fiu.edu/
career/industry-experience- .requirement/index.html Internship Waiver
Students will complete a minimum of 800 hours of work experience and internship prior to graduation. Students with extensive industry management experience may request to be waived from the hours and/or internship. Appropriate forms and documentation must be provided. To request a waiver please contact your academic advisor. - Technical Requirements
- Internet connection with a minimum of 3Mbps download speed
- Flash (except for iPhone and iPad)
- Java
- Microsoft PowerPoint or Viewer
*Firefox is the preferred internet browser for Canvas.